Whoa! Quite a lot in this module to look at and consider, I am still trying to get my head around it all. The assignment is worrying me a little for trying to link it to theory but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Activity: obtaining data - TL alone? I don't think this is a job just for the TL it is where the teacher will be able to provide a lot of this and the adminisration can provide a lot of family details. The TL can further the data by what they do through surveys but there could be alot of meetings inbetween.
Activity: Tl collaborate with school community. We currently have a suggestion box for students to help with what they want, I have had to go and see teachers or supply information sheets about what they are teaching or requiring for their subjects. It is very rare that I would get a specific book request from teachers or staff, usually it is a general area that will match their teaching area. Sometimes this can be a specific line of research required. I have also asked them to forward sites they have found that they are using that are useful. As to the final say - for the specific library collection it should be the TL as they know the collection and have their budget, on the other hand for teachers who are requiring resources they often have their own budget but it still needs collaboration to ensure we don't have that item in the library collection already.
Activity: Print format diminishing? Digital increase? I think we do need to increase digital resources as that is where many learners are at but i don't think we can rule out print in any way, we still need print to help with traditional literacy skills and for some aspects print is more suited for students rather than the copious amount of searching the may do on the computer for research. As many workplaces are techonolgically wired we need to ensure that we are exposing students to digital aspects, whether that be CD-ROMs, digital objects or searching the internet.
Activity: selection aids - Pegiwilliams. A great site for TLs, provide a variety of books on appro if required, will send them to you, postage free. Limited information at times on the books.