Saturday, February 27, 2010

Covey reading

One thing that caught my attention is the ability to say No. It is such a little word but can be so difficult to use, especially in being a TL with a multifaceted job description. I think that the ability to say a 'pleasant no' is vital in a service domain like ours especially without being apologetic.

Also the view that we don't have the priorities in our heart is a vital aspect that leads to a lack of discipline in staying true to our priorities. I find that I do the check list or 'to do' list and do have a priority coloumn next to it to organise them, I do have the view of 'bigger' things that need to be done but not in the larger scheme of our service. This is something I will have to internalise for myself. In fact sometimes I use the idea of planning as an excuse not to fulfil the tasks I need to do. If I need to do a number of tasks, the first thing is to plan when they can be done, what priority do they have, what deadlines? So therefore, I plan thinking I am being organised but what if it is my lack of discipline revolving around my priorities for overall job that is behind my need to plan? Something I will need to reflect on.


In the beginning ... there was a blog designed to help learn. Let's see how we go!