Friday, May 6, 2011

Savage 1989 Commuication

Coming from teaching English I always realised the importance of communication and have taught communication in many forms across many subjects. To see it as a part of leadership is not jaw-dropping but to put a name to the communication that they don't know they are doing - the unintentional communication was a step forward. I had always told students about the way people may see them or respond to them because of the way the act, dress, speak, write etc but to have it formulated so clearly by Savage. There was also the thought that actions speak as loud as the word they espouse and this is so true for all in the school, how we behave in front of teachers, staff, students and how the principal behaves in response to that.

I was also intrigued by the upward and downward communication and hadn't really thought alot of this idea in the school until reading this. I do agree about the two-way process where there needs to be upward and downward flow of information (p. 110) and how upward flow is the difficulty. I must admit this is an area that I need to work on - I think with being instilled about the 'respect your superiors' mentality that I always felt it wasn't my place to disagree or offer alternative choices/processes because they 'knew best' so this is an area I need to work on and not see those above me as not wanting to hear what I have to say. So reading Savage's point number 2 way it is inadequate because there is an indication that the ideas, reactions and criticisms are not welcome (p.110). I think this is my issue more than my superiors at this time. The idea of filtering was revealing and it made me consider what I do in this case and what others would be doing. And the point of prejudice that comes into it, maybe I am naiive or a little optimistic but this was something I found myself not agreeing with, I feel there would be some colouring but to be completely prejudice to change the views about someone, maybe something, but not someone (I hope!). Rumours seems pretty straightforward - seems to be the same as rumour in any other situation. I did like the idea of a plan with dealing with rumour, especially when you have so many stakeholders and children to boot. Some great points about administrators and what they should do.

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